Our Vision And Purpose
A Business + Learning Community
Harnessing Collective Purpose and Wisdom
Rising Connected is a social business and learning community, grounded in the essential feminine values of connection, healing, emergence and collaboration, and the awakening of feminine wisdom.
Our long standing vision is of a world in which feminine wisdom and values are fully honoured and embraced and where women can be deeply supported on their inner and outer journey of transformation, integrating healthy feminine and healthy masculine in all territories life – family, community, business and leadership.
At the heart of Rising Connected is growing community of what we call feminine leaders – women who’s purpose and path is to help bring feminine wisdom and values into a world that is suffering from being entrenched in short term, task driven, productivity addicted ways of operating. In short we believe that feminine values, wisdom and strength are the most essential ingredients needed to heal our disconnected world.
We understand that in order to Rise in our unique expressions of feminine leadership and make a healing impact in the world, we need to Rise Connected. This means being more authentically connected to ourselves, to one another and of course to life itself – to our natural world and to the wider unseen field of life in which we are all interrelated and interdependent.
The core of our transformational work has been developed over many years by founder Joey Walters who is supported by many amazing women who have worked closely with her to deepen the work and discover how to share it with others. We understand the power of community and do our very best to walk our talk with the feminine wisdom and values that we teach.
The result of this is a range of powerful community programmes and ongoing resources for coaches, healers and change leaders (and those aspiring to be) and for organisations that want to support their feminine work force to embody their true feminine power and leadership. We also offer 1:1 Coaching for those ready to up-level their impact and dive deep into their own healing and awakening journey.
Central to our work and to the community, are our Circles, underpinned by a set of 8 lived agreements that support us in holding space for the transformation that life is calling us all to engage in. As a community we are growing and supporting these transformative Circles for Feminine Leaders, where they can be nourished by their connection with one another, walking each other home to a deep knowing of themselves – of their wisdom, their gifts and their power to share them.
Our aim is to be a warm, reSourcing ‘home’ for women to restore their feminine life force and align with their true purpose – to trust their gifts and to share them with a world that sorely needs them.
About Joey Walters
Founder and Director of Transformational Learning
An intuitive leadership coach, mentor and Circle teacher, Joey is Founder of Rising Connected and Director of Transformational Learning.
For the last 20 years, she has been creating ‘connecting’ spaces for purpose-inspired women to awaken and share their feminine wisdom and voices, and to become purpose-inspired transformational leaders in their businesses and organisations. Prior to this, she had a full career in Marketing Communications, culminating in co-founding a successful London based business.
Her more recent work has been centred in exploration of “The Power Of Circle” – the core principles and practices of 8 ‘essential’ Agreements that underpin the safe, collective space in which women can learn how to ‘hold space’ for themselves and others on the path of inner transformation and feminine leadership.
In 2017 she offered her first Ted Talk called ‘Rising Connected ~ Giving Women The Courage To Lead’.
As well as her 1:1 coaching work, Joey leads deeply transformative, nature-based retreats, runs online Circle-based leadership programmes and teacher trainings in holding space. She is passionate about working with nature as a primary resource and creating transformational ‘containers’ that evoke authenticity, safety and wellbeing for everyone.
Joey is also working with all genders 1:1 and in groups for corporate leaders and organisations. She is a co-founder of leadership consultancy Dancehammer Group Ltd and a senior executive coach for Matrix Development.
She lives with her partner and two boys, natured in the woodlands of Central Scotland.
We will be sharing much more about the business + community in this page soon.
If you’d like to connect with us, please get in touch at connect@risingconnected.com