Rising Connected
There is a ‘Rising’ movement; a peaceful, organic but powerful revolution occurring amongst women. If you’re feeling called to play your part, you need not be alone on your journey. Rising Connected is an inspirational learning community that will help you to navigate your inner journey of transformation, trust your authentic voice and become the Feminine Leader life is calling you to be. There’s a place for you here. Welcome!
Restoring Feminine Wisdom
Joey Walters – Founder
We are living at an extraordinary time in the history of humanity. Individually and collectively we are experiencing the chaotic breakdown of old systems, structures and ways of operating that have been destroying our precious natural world and our capacity to thrive. It’s rocking us hard.
Yet, at the same time, there is a beautiful awakening of feminine wisdom that is Rising to bring balance to a world that has been dominated by masculine values that are out of touch with the feminine. In this cauldron of transformation we are being offered a choice. We can stay stuck in the pain of the status quo or we can slow down, allow the dismantling of what no longer serves us and discover new creative pathways to a brighter, more sustainable future.
This ‘revolution’ of the feminine is both an inner and outer journey of transformation for each one of us. It invites us to become who we truly are and do what is ours to do, so we can stand together for the world we want our grandchildren to inherit.
Many prophecies have already said it: This is a time for women to Rise Connected – to midwife new ways of relating in our families, our communities, our businesses and to our precious planet. It’s time to make a huge paradigm shift in how we see and relate to ourselves and our role as women today and for us to bring the feminine and masculine back into balance.
If you are playing your part as a coach, a healer, a therapist or a business or social change leader – or you are aspiring to – you are not alone on your journey.
Rising Connected is an inspirational learning community, that will help you navigate the challenges of your inner journey of transformation, deepen trust in your authentic voice and become the Feminine Leader life is calling you to be.
There is a place for you here, to be nourished, inspired and guided on your journey.
Welcome to Rising Connected . . .
How To Work With Us
& Experience the Power of Community
Our Core Experiential Programmes
Because we understand the power of connection and community, our programmes offer more than a personal learning experience. They offer you a shared experience, in community, of the transformational journey we are on together.
As women inspired to contribute as coaches, healers, wellbeing teachers and change leaders, we need to tend to our own inner journey of healing and wellbeing in order to help others with theirs. That’s why all our offerings support you in holding space for your own transformation, whilst helping you grow your capacity and confidence to hold space for others, whether in in 1:1 Practice, in Circles or groups or beyond into your business, community or organisation.
Here’s the overview…
The Path of Feminine Wisdom
Reconnect & Re-Source Your Self
A self-paced or 10 week Guided Personal Journey of Self Inquiry
Re-source and explore your inner journey of healing and transformation as a feminine leader with ‘The Circle of 8 Agreements’ as your foundation. Discover where you are losing your power and find new ways of relating to yourself and life that will support you in embodying your authentic feminine wisdom, living it in your life and lifework.
The Power of Circle
Expand Personal + Professional Capacity
3-Part Certification Training
Growing You & Your business
Grow your leadership and business practice by leading transformative Circles, with The Circle of 8 Agreements as your foundation. Whether you wish to lead circles for others or be nourished in your own, you will receive rich, ongoing support within a thriving learning community of women coaches, healers and change leaders.
The Heart of Holding Space
Hold Transformative Space
1 Year Mentor Certification Training
For 1:1 & Circle Practice
Deepen your own healing journey, whilst growing your capacity to hold a transformative space for other women in 1:1 practice, Circle Journeys or in your business or organisation. You’ll learn principles and practices for embodied transformation with a dedicated circle of women coaches, healers and change leaders.
What Does It Mean To Rise Connected?
Connected With Yourself
(Video Coming Soon)
Rising in your authenticity starts with how you see and relate to yourself – with your sense of who you are and what your purpose is beyond any of your life roles. It is a journey of home-coming to the deep truth of your own wisdom and shining your light from there.
Connected With Others
Rising on our own simply doesn’t work. We need loving human connection and shared experience in order to Rise in our full power. Life is calling us to heal fractured ways of relating to one another so we can collaborate and co-create our future together.
(Video Coming Soon)
Connected With Life
(Video Coming Soon)
Rising in our humanity, requires a deepening of our relationship to life; to Mother Nature and to our sense of being part of something much greater than ourselves. It’s time to re-member and be re-sourced by our innate connection to the Earth and the feminine wisdom that relationship awakens in us.
The Power of Community
It is in honouring our relationship to ourselves, to life and to one another that we can create true community in any context – a space where we can belong in our truth, be seen and received in our humanity and help one another to remember who we are and what we are here to create together.
(Video Coming Soon)
About The Founder
Joey Walters
Like many women, I found myself on this inner journey of transformation because I was suffering from the pain of not living my life in a way that was true to myself. I had to face and feel the old fear-based stories that were keeping me stuck and learn how to hold a loving space for my emotional experience each time I was called to step out of my comfort zone. Over time I realised that I had suppressed my innate feminine wisdom and was relying on my more valued masculine energy to lead my life. It didn’t work because I was denying a deep calling to be and express who I really am as a deeply connected woman, mother and feminine leader.
This is why I founded Rising Connected – knowing that I am not alone on this journey and that above all, as women called to awaken our feminine leadership and bring our contributions forward, we need to a space for our own healing and to share our experience and wisdom on the path. Rising Connected is a learning community supporting women coaches, healers, social entrepreneurs and change leaders to discover and share their authentic wisdom and unique contribution, bringing feminine principles, values and capacities into their workplaces, boardrooms, communities and families.
My vision has always been to create a community based on the intimacy of ‘Circles’ that provide a home within which we can come home to ourselves and be fully met in our truth – in our vulnerability and authentic power.
This is the foundation of our capacity to be fully in the world bringing our voices clearly and powerfully to the table as leaders and influencers of a new culture of connection, wherever we are called to.
Over the last 2o years, I have been holding Circles for women in all spheres of life from corporate worlds to spiritual worlds. From my experience of creating safe, transformative spaces for women, I have developed and deepened my understanding and practice of holding space, working with what I call ‘The Circle of 8 Agreements’.
These essential agreements form the foundation of our work, fostering ways of relating that help us to hold a collective space for each one of us to flourish in who we are and contribute our feminine wisdom to life. This is the power of community and the vision of Rising Connected.
Our approach interweaves experience and training from a multitude of disciplines including:
- Earth Wisdom Teachings and Nature Based Inquiry – Ehama Institute
- Organisational Systems and Family Constellations Facilitation – CSC London
- Interfaith Ministry and Spiritual Counselling – One Spirit Interfaith Foundation
- Collective and Intergenerational Healing – Individual & Group work
- Somatic, Ontological and Generative Coaching
- NLP Master, Health and Consulting
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